Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
- Tang, K. (2024). Climate change education in Indonesia’s formal education: A policy analysis. npj Climate Action, 3(1), 57.
- Tang, K. (2024). Assessing conceptions of climate change: an exploratory study among Japanese early adolescents. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 1-20.
- Hu, J., Tang, K., Qian, X., Sun, F., & Zhou, W. (2021). Behavioural change in waste separation at source in an international community: An application of the theory of planned behaviour. Waste Management, 135, 397-408.
News Articles
- Tang, K. (2024, December 5). Tantangan pendidikan perubahan iklim: Antusiasme guru tidak cukup [Climate change education challenges: Teachers’ enthusiasm alone is not enough]. The Conversation.
- Tang, K. (2024, October 2). Apa yang perlu ditingkatkan dari panduan pendidikan perubahan iklim? [What needs to be improved from the climate change education guide?]. The Conversation.
- Tang, K. (2024, August 14). Riset tunjukkan pendidikan perubahan iklim di Indonesia belum tepat sasaran [Research shows that climate change education in Indonesia is not well targeted]. The Conversation.